Close and Personal(ity)

Active Styles
According to my DiSC Personality Test I am an "I" kinda guy. This means my active styles fall under influencing, inspiring, and impulse. When reading the characteristics, values, challenges, and fears that describe the "I" active style it was like looking in a mirror. Each one of the words and phrases listed described exactly who I am. General characteristics that I agreed with are enthusiastic, optimistic, and persuasive. I also am very much a peace maker and motivate others to achieve whatever passion they choose to pursue. I do not agree however that I lack listening skills and tend to only listen when it is convenient. 
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What's my "Name"?
After extensive circling, plotting, and checking I was finally able to determine that I most related to the Advisor/ Counselor/ One Who is Merciful pattern in the DiSC Personality Test. Personalities who show sympathy and understanding, listening skills, and piece making tendencies are all an advisor. They take criticism towards their work very seriously and work best with positive reinforcement. Review is very important so the work that would be best would be public application to assignments. 
Advisors are overall positive and encouraging individuals to do better in their lives. Some weaknesses that come with this mentality include being tolerant of non-producers. As a leader this can create an unproductive work environment resulting in a decline in the organization or group.

Image result for oprah winfrey
Oprah Winfrey (Advisor)

Overall I agree with many of the points stated in the overview of my DiSC Pattern Name. What came surprising to me where the weaknesses presented in the role of an Advisor. Usually the term advisor or to advise someone means you have authority over their production and projects, but the overview  made it seem as if an advisor is a pushover. Although I do have some qualities like patients, flexibility, and understand that could mirror that characteristic I do not think that if put in a position of leadership I would let people slack off and under preform. 

Real World
As a professional I now understand that by knowing my strengths and weaknesses in comparison to other people's traits I am able to find the most successful career opportunity for myself. Since I work better in groups or teams having a transparent environment where everyone can share their opinions without being scared of a hierarchy would be most constructive. I could see myself stepping into a big advisor role but as a result of my tests I would know how to effectively manage my teams.
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Loving my employees would be a big part in how I counsel my teams because optimism, trust, and emotion are all things I focus on. If there are any conflicts within my work space I would make peace with the situation. Conflicts lead to divide, and a divided work place is one that I would not want to be a part of.


  1. Hi Nico! I really enjoyed reading your blog. It is always nice when the blogger includes funny memes to help guide the reader. You were clear, cogent, and concise in all your points. It was an opinionated, yet subjective piece all at the same time. I think at the end, when you tie the real world into what you discovered through this assignment, you do a great job depicting how exactly your test results will effect you long-term. Great work!

  2. I really enjoyed how you titled each section of your blog. That made it super interesting and I looked forward to reading what was under the title. I agree that some of the qualities were accurate to my personality but some of them were not, just like how you agree with many of the points but disagree with how it said you would lead. How would you resolve conflict among your employees?

    1. Hi Keenan,
      Thank you for your response! In regards to you question on how I would resolve conflict with employees, I would be patient, understanding, and flexible towards all their concerns. I would first host individual meetings with the two employees who have conflict to see their side of the story. Then I would hold a joint meeting with the two and be a facilitator between the two; having discussion questions to spark conversation in the direction of a compromise.

  3. Nico,

    A very good first blog post. I like how you organized it and incorporated visuals and memes to underscore your points. I was most interested in how you would keep employees or teammates on track and prevent them from underperforming.

    Nicely done!


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